GoodReads Monday

Goodreads Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Lauren's Page Turners. To take part, you simply choose a random book from your TBR and show it off. Don’t forget to check out her blog and link back to Lauren’s Page Turners.
 Because I don't have enough to do here's another little gem that actually popped across Kristin's radar and fell into mine.  It struck a chord with me so it's worth giving it a whirl, right?  And perhaps start holding me accountable to reading more books that I've got stashed around.  

A mysterious disappearance fuels the mutant curiosity of Ivy Malone, whose oddball humor, possum-gray hair, and quirky sleuthing skills make her an unlikely crime fighter. Even the authorities' attempts to keep Ivy out of danger. But will the determination that fuels this persistent, quirky sleuth threaten her very safety?

I have this book in paperback sitting on one of the bookcases.  I have this book sitting in my Kindle library as well.  It's not for lack of access to read this book, and it's been sitting in both places a couple of years. It seems like the more books that cross my path the fewer of the older ones get read. It's time to change book at a time!

What's your oldie but goodie To Be Read?   

1 comment

  1. Oooo, funky cover! I hope you enjoy this :-)
