Diapers, where do you begin. Diapers need to fulfill several vital functions at a price that is affordable. Not diapering is really not an option, at least not for me! On the other end the price of diapers has to be budget-able. Diapers need to fit comfortably, be absorbent, and also not cause irritation to sensitive skin. Having the opportunity to try Walgreens Well Beginnings Diapers through PinchMe I decided to really put them through the test.
My sample package included two diapers. Now, let's face it, you don't give a new diaper a test on the overnight. Too many things can go wrong there. But I really wanted to put them to the test, so I went with nap time. So, protected by Well Beginnings we began the nap time struggle. You know the one, not wanting the pillow or blanket to must have it, not wanting a hug or kiss to will die without it, getting up every minute once all tucked in to see if you are watching, finally thank the nap time angels asleep. Two and a half hours later to test the experiment for leaks. Diaper one past the test for leaks. Also no sign of irritation with our sensitive skin which is a massive bonus. Monkey Boy didn't complain about the fit either so I guess the first try passed the major tests.
The truth is Walgreens Well Beginnings diapers seem to be pretty sturdy yet gentle diapers. They are not something I personally can purchase for my home however. Monkey's cousin Goobie (go with it!) has sensitivity issues with this particular brand and cannot use them. Since we use the same diapers in the same size it seems ridiculous to purchase two different types of diapers. Not to mention completely not budget-able. I must mention that I did receive these diapers free from PinchMe to sample and review, all opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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